Underwater Acoustics Surveys

We can support underwater acoustic programs for either real time or autonomous recording.   We are uniquely positioned in that we interface both regulatory and academic realms for the interpretation and analysis of localized underwater soundscapes.  

For real time acoustic monitoring, we have a strong foundational understanding of the requirements and expectations from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to help you plan, implement and report on anthropogenic noise generated due to your Project.  In addition to the operation and management of the hydrophone(s), our experienced technicians and biologists can support the communication interface between clients, contractors and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).  We can support the development and implementation of adaptive management protocols if required.   

For autonomous hydrophone deployments, we can support the design of a local, longer term acoustic monitoring program to help you to understand the contribution of anthropogenic noise and biological sound to the underwater soundscape. Autonomous hydrophones can be deployed and left in the ocean for days, weeks or months, and once recovered, the long-term data can be fully analyzed to assess local acoustic conditions. This monitoring can provide valuable data to support existing conditions assessments at a site. The data can be used to measure underwater sound levels, identify sources of anthropogenic noise, and monitor for the presence of different marine mammals and fish species. 

Contact us to discuss your acoustic needs.